EB International - Your Global E-Business Partner

Database Solutions

Database Design, Development and Integration

In a dynamic database driven website the web page will be automatically generated by server side software by grabbing information from a database and inserting that information into the web page each time it is loaded. When the information in the database changes the web page linked to this database will also display the new information without having to be manually updated. The advantage of such a system is that changing the data in one location will apply the change to multiple web pages.

Databases, a brief History

Since databases moved from internal applications to websites, companies have been reaping the rewards of the practical advantage of having such websites. Databases can provide companies the ultimate flexibility in terms of their websites, providing clients with the latest information presented on the fly through dynamically generated webpages. At EB we have the technical know how and experience needed to design and develop the proper solution tailored to your needs. Our consultants will spend the time needed in order to gain the proper insight into your company's business model and map out the ideal database solution for your website, giving you the tools to start a step ahead of your competition.

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C: info@ebinternational.ca